At Friendship, we take discipleship seriously. Jesus commanded his disciples to go out and make new disciples, and we believe we are to do the same. Jesus’ commands included “go,” “baptize,” and “teach.” We work to hold to the same formula at Friendship by reaching out into the community by being the hands and feet of Jesus. We pray for and witness to those who Christ places in our paths, and ultimately seek to see them follow Christ in salvation and believer’s baptism.


Our jobs do not end there, though. Our goal is to see the believer discipled from salvation to the grave. This is done through intentional groups that meet every Sunday night. These groups consist of 3 to 5 people each and allow the believer to study the Word of God with others in a setting that is less intimidating. This not only helps with accountability but understanding of the Scriptures. We strive for intergenerational discipleship as well, so in each group you will find a mix of ages, allowing the younger believers to develop close relationships with those who have been serving the Lord for years.


It is our prayer that upon completion of a year of discipleship groups, the believer would feel confident enough to begin discipling someone else in the community on their own. Our discipleship groups are open to everyone, and everything said in each group is confidential unless asked to be shared.
We hope you will join us this Sunday Night at 6:00 pm to start your spiritual journey of discipleship.